Souls in Love

The verses from this raptures-inspired poetry book illuminate intimacy as the essence of a romantic love. Fueled by passion and rooted in commitment, a deep connection cascades into a joyful union at all levels – soul, mind, heart, and body. In Souls in Love, the couple awakens to their soul’s longing to live together a sensual and meaningful life. In an elegant symphony of words, their poems explore the alchemy between two lovers that keeps the flame blazing. The differences in authors’ backgrounds, including their nationality, enrich and guide their poetry towards universality.

— The Angels Wings

Souls in Love is a book about love, consciousness, intimacy and sensuality. The love that connects, opens wider the windows of the soul and the heart; the love that balances action and contemplation; the love that heals and transcends differences, the love that creates.

The 42 poems of Souls in Love each express a facet of the multi-dimensionality of love. From non-exhaustive and subjective subject, the authors share their expression with the reader by drawing on their personal experiences and the reflections manifested along their respective life journey.

About the book

Souls In Love is a new book of 42 poems by two extra-ordinary talented poets Sophie Roumeas and Sam Yau. Both poets compliment each other’s verses with deep insights into the multi-facet meaning of true, blissful love, which emanates from beauty within the universal souls of all living life forms. As all true artists do, the exquisite poems will capture the reader's attention and take them on a metaphysical/physical journey in the majestic realms of love.

Michael Levy
Author poet philosopher

What other people say

Author of a first volume of poetry, Soul’s Journey, Sam Yau is a contemporary poet with a unique and highly relatable poetic style to convey the essence of spiritual truth for our time.

His partner in Souls in Love, Sophie Rouméas, is a therapist and writer from France; she mixes prose with poetry’s musicality, a vivid and engaging expression to voice the soul’s consciousness.

About the poets

“Souls in Love has truly cracked the code to the ineffable, undefinable mystical quality of Romantic Love.”

“The atwork is breathtaking. Souls in Love is an exquisite and transcendent masterpiece!”


“Souls in Love put me in a deep state of awe for the sheer audacity - two poets writing about love as they travel the love terrain together.”


“This book takes the taboo over sex and spirituality.”


“The weave of feminine and masculine poetic expression opens delicious possibilities for healing dialogue between lovers. “


“I didn’t think a book like this could be written, that captured the multidimensions of love. But here you are, displaying love in its most vulnerable, healing, and loving way.” 


“Souls in Love is a masterpiece that we all wish we had written. There are so many beautiful gems of wisdom, so many profound universal insights!”